9613746 Chang Under this award, Drs. Chang and Chen will carry out an observational study of the spatial and temporal variability of the East Asian monsoon, focusing on its interannual-scale interactions with the South Asian monsoon and the relationship to the tropical biennial oscillation. The principal approach will be to use statistical methods, including composite and principal component techniques and a technique developed by the principal investigators called multiple-set canonical correlation analysis, to analyze long-term data sets (reanalysis products, climate rainfall data, and out-going longwave radiation data sets, among others). The monsoon systems will be described in terms of their rainfall characteristics as well as their wind and pressure patterns. The Asian monsoon system(s) is a major signal in the general circulation and the global climate. Better understanding of its role in the global system is essential to improving both weather and climate prediction, even in remote regions such as over the United States. The Large-scale Dynamic Meteorology and Climate Dynamics Programs will share in the support of this project. ***