9414222 Bardet Twenty-three years following the 1971 Sylmar Earthquake, the January 17, 1994 Northridge, CA, earthquake again caused substantial damage to earth structures, water pipe systems, and electrical equipment at the Van Norman facilities operated by the Department of Water and Power (DWP) of Los Angeles. The daily observations of the University of Southern California (USC) reconnaissance team and the interaction between the USC reconnaissance team and the DWP revealed a wealth of geotechnical data which can be used to advance earthquake hazard mitigation procedures. The objective of this project is to record and disseminate this important but perishable information. This data includes sandboils, a sink hole, large-scale ground cracking, piping caused by liquefaction and lateral earth spreading. Since 1971, the DWP facilities have been well instrumented with strong motion instruments. During the Northridge earthquake, very large ground accelerations were recorded inside and around the Van Norman facilities. The goal of this project is to assemble a complete data set on the effects of strong ground shaking on liquefiable soils and earth structures. ***