Proposal: CNS 0551542 PI: Claffy, Kimberly C. Institution: University of California-San Diego
Recommendation: Award
The investigators, affiliated with CAIDA (the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, have provided the research community with Internet measurement data by establishing monitoring hardware and software and related data curation, analysis and research while working in cooperation with industry partners that operate the network. Upgrades in link speeds from OC-48 to OC-192 have rendered the existing monitoring hardware obsolete. This project will enable the investigators to build and deploy 5 new monitors as well as an infrastructure to store and distribute trace data. The resulting data will support researchers in areas such as congestion control, network security, network traffic characterization, and traffic engineering. The project will also improve SKITTER datasets to improve robustness and coverage of mapping the Internet.