The Huron Mountain Wildlife foundation is awarded a grant to double housing capacity and improve septic and power systems at the Ives Lake Field Station near Big Bay, Marquette Co., MI. The Ives Lake Field Station provides exclusive research access to a world class private natural area of over 8000 ha, including diverse and pristine aquatic and terrestrial habitats, with one of the largest remnant tracts of old-growth hemlock-hardwood forests. A history of more than 50 years of mostly descriptive research has generated a large body of historical data and baseline monitoring. The project will have broader impact in at least three areas. 1) It will strengthen the value of the research area as a reference ecosystem for the upper Great Lakes region, supporting such initiatives as the Great Lakes regional effort (GLACEO) of the National Ecological Observatory Network. Increased research activity in the immediate future at a large, pristine natural area will be invaluable in helping assess long-term, regional environmental changes. 2) Expanded involvement of graduate and undergraduate students in research projects at the Field Station. Expanded facilities will make the Station viable as a training ground for graduate students in ?campaign-style?, group research projects. 3) The Ives Lake Station will become a superb venue for small, work-shop style, thematic conferences, including collaborative meetings of land-managers, conservation organizations, and research scientists.