DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Experimental Investigations of the Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Woody Plant Encroachment in California Grasslands Sousa DEB-0309152
A growing number of studies suggest that mycorrhizal fungi may play an important role in determining plant distributions, and the forest-grassland ecotone is a model system to investigate this question. This research investigates the role of mycorrhizal fungi in woody plant encroachment into California grasslands. It examines how mycorrhizal assemblages change across the forest-grassland ecotone and the mechanism by which these fungi facilitate woody plant encroachment. The P.I. will use a combination of manipulative field and greenhouse experiments as well as molecular techniques to assess the importance of mycorrhizal fungi in woody plant encroachment. The use of molecular techniques along with field-based manipulative experiments will provide a unique opportunity to experimentally determine the importance of mycorrhizal fungi. This research will make a significant contribution towards our current understanding of the factors affecting plant distributions and the growing literature of forest-grassland ecotone dynamics. Woody plant encroachment is a widespread phenomenon that has considerable concerns for rangeland management. By examining a potentially key factor affecting woody plant establishment, this research on mycorrhizal fungi will make an important contribution to effective management strategies.