This collaborative project is developing a regional and comprehensive education program by expanding on a previously funded "urban" sustainable agriculture program at Seattle Central Community College (SCCC). Together with Skagit Valley College, SCCC, and Washington State University, Edmonds Community College is developing educational initiatives to increase the number and quality of sustainable urban and small farm agriculture technician professionals.
Intellectual merit: The program is preparing and training students as technicians in sustainable agriculture, an emerging and ecologically important agricultural sector in the region's economy. Moreover, the program is helping the region develop expertise in securing the basic food needs of our growing and urbanizing populations. By providing research, service-learning, and internship opportunities for students, the program is serving as the cornerstone of contemporary curricula at various institutions to develop needed and advanced training to the regions students that includes hands-on experience, private sector partnerships, and the use of spatially-appropriate innovative technologies.
Broader impacts: This proposal is providing educational and training opportunities for students to be more competitive for green-collar jobs in agricultural production, processing, distribution, and retail, a growing and ecologically sustainable sector of our agricultural economy. Particular to urban and suburban environments, opportunities exist for merging the education and career fields of horticulture and landscaping with sustainable agriculture as entrepreneurial businesses in edible landscape design, installation, and maintenance in response to residential and commercial demand.