This project provides two state-of-the-art microcomputer systems to replace obsolete PDP-11 minicomputers and associated first generation microprocessor trainers. These systems are networked to a basic and an advanced microprocessor training laboratory. Each laboratory incorporates 12 workstations; consisting of a terminal, an Educational Computer Board and a solderless breadboard for experiments. The basic laboratory uses an 8-bit microprocessor and is used to instruct electronic engineering technology majors and non-majors; including future technology education teachers. The advanced laboratory is used to provide instruction in microprocessor systems to the four-year graduates of the Electronic Engineering Technology and the Industrial Electronics Programs. This laboratory upgrade significantly improves the quality of education offered by the Department of Industrial and Engineering Technology by proving common equipment throughout the laboratory program and increased laboratory productivity through better hardware and software reliability. This award is being matched by an equal sum from the grantee.