This proposal offers solutions to the wise and effective use of Internet and multimedia, illustrated by concrete applications of these technologies. It will provide for summer workshops for teachers, 2 and 4 year college faculty, community leaders, and some in the local business community. The underlying networking technologies developed by the lead 2 year college, and the evolving new paradigm for its use provide a model for others in the nation to consider. Most of the content for these workshops will be based on recent experience in creating the Community Networks (CoNets) in Southeastern Minnesota, and a new 2-year curriculum in Networking communicating (NetCo). CoNet kiosks are linked collaboratively via the Internet. The NetCo curriculum will help and lead builders of networking facilities. These workshop, directed at mostly 2-year college faculty, will help them implement the developed 2-year curriculum. These proposed workshops in 1996 and 1997, will be expanded from earlier ones given in 1995. They will cover areas in Minnesota, eastern Dakotas, northern Iowa, and western Wisconsin, using 2-way interactive TV linked to the workshop providers at Austin College Park. In 1997, the providers will attempt to expand to the national level, to allow telecommunication of the workshops to many other 2 and 4 year colleges.