DOSECC (Deep Observation and Sampling of Earth's Continental Crust) is a consortium of research institutions created to manage NSF's activities in Continental Scientific Drilling. DOSECC has a membership of 35 universities. Coordination with other federal agencies (U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Department of Energy (D)E) is effected by an interagency accord. This FY 1987 Program Plan and Budget for DOSECC has been reviewed and approved by the National Science Board at its November, 1986 meeting. The FY 1987 budget for DOSECC is $3,400,000 which consists of $3,173,680 to be awarded directly to DOSECC and $226,320 to be transferred directly to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as reimbursement for USGS services performed for DOSECC.