9412482 Colglazier This grant to the National Academy of Sciences NAS , through the Office for Central Europe and Eurasia of the National Research Council NRC , provides support from 1 May 1994 through 31 October 1994 for the Young Investigator Programs YIPs on: Health Impacts of Environmental Degradation with the Czech and Slovak Republics; Nuclear Accidents and Radioactive Contamination with Ukraine and Belarus; and Ecological Concerns in the Development of the Arctic and the Far Northern Regions with Russia. These YIPs are part of a larger series of programs designed to initiate multi-disciplinary, collaborative research among the new generation of scientists in the United States, Central Europe, and the former Soviet Union, in fields of national and global significance. Each VIP consists of a two- year summer program for ten American and ten foreign specialists. Each program phase is three weeks in length, with one summer session in the foreign country and the other in the United States. The NRC selects an interdisciplinary team of American specialists through a national competition. To be eligible, American applicants must have received their Ph.D. since 1986. The foreign specialists are chosen by carefully identified foreign counterpart organizations. These three YIPs began in summer 1993 and will conclude with a three-week program in the United States in summer 1994. The U.S. Department of State has provided support to cover the costs associated with the American participants in the second phase. ***