9421852 Young Funding is provided to partially support the 1995 International Conference for Arctic Research Planning that will be convened under the aegis of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). The Conference objectives are to identify priority areas for the IASC agenda and to develop a number of focussed scientific programs that address interdisciplinary research topics requiring circumarctic cooperation within this agenda. Priority program areas include: 1) Impact of global changes on the Arctic regions and its peoples, 2) Arctic processes of relevance to global systems, 3) Natural processes within the Arctic, and 4) Arctic resource use/ ecosystem dynamics. It is envisaged that these programs will constitute the core IASC scientific agenda for the following five-to-ten years. The Conference will be organized in a workshop mode. Opportunities will also be provided for presentations of additional new ideas for Arctic research by scientists having interests in Arctic research, but who are not presently involved in IASC. This open forum will further assist in the planning of IASC scientific programs.