9512832 Lee Research will be carried out in accelerator physics. The work focuses on beam dynamics in circular accelerators with emphasis on the effects of non-linear guide elements and on coherent instabilities associated with high beam intensities. The Indiana University Cyclotron Facility (IUCF) will be used for this research. It provides a particle beam which is very well defined in terms of position in phase space and tracking of individual beam packets can be done for thousands of turns. Studies will also be carried out in high-energy electron-proton cooling and in beam emittance growth and halo development. In addition, the high intensity polarized beam will be used in polarized-beam transport studies, with emphasis on avoidance of depolarization resonances. Benefits of the research will extend from improved performance at IUCF for nuclear physics experiments to high performance in future colliders, neutron spallation sources, and synchrotron light sources. Research in the above areas will advance our understanding of the performance and limitations of high intensity circular particle accelerators. These are high priority topics in accelerator physics. Education of graduate students and postdocs is integral to this activity. ***