The proposed research will develop new molecular and genomic tools and approaches for the gelatinous bloom-forming Antarctic salp, Salpa thompsoni, in order to understand the interplay between the salp's complex life history, potential for rapid population growth and bloom formation, and the environmental conditions of the Southern Ocean. Salpa thompsoni is an increasingly important player in the highly-vulnerable Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem. Despite being recognized as a key component of growing importance in Antarctic pelagic ecosystems, no study has been published on their population genetics or genomics. The research proposed here - including analysis of genome-wide patterns of gene expression of Salpa thompsoni associated with life history events and specific environmental conditions - will be the first of its kind on a salp species. The molecular genetic techniques and approaches proposed here are widely used in bio-medical laboratories and are increasingly applied to diverse model species, but have yet to be applied to ecologically-important but phylogenetically-obscure species, such as salps.
A Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) is requested because of the increasing urgency of understanding the underlying causes of observed changes in the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem, including the shifting balance between the keystone species, Southern Ocean krill (Euphausia superba) and the gelatinous bloom-forming Antarctic salp (Salpa thompsoni). Given the lack of molecular genetic and genomic information for the target species or any close relative, the proposed research may be perceived as too high risk for funding via usual NSF programs and panels.