Overall Objectives and Specific AimsThe purpose of the Analytical Instrumentation Facility Core is to support Center investigators in the detection,characterization, and quantification of chemicals and biomolecules.
The specific aims of Facility Core 2 are:1. To provide sensitive protein identification and modification analyses;2. To offer services for the identification and quantification of metabolites, nutrients, xenobiotics, andvarious types of macromolecular damage;3. To implement novel analytical methods and improve the sensitivity and throughput of existinganalyses;4. To provide consultation on the selection and implementation of analytical methods and trainingopportunities in usage and applications of analytical instrumentation;5. To develop tissue and biofluid analytical assays relevant to translational research in coordinationwith the Integrated Health Sciences Facility Core;6. To foster partnerships for improved access to high end analytical instrumentation and technicalexpertise in support of Center research.The Analytical Facility Core will provide sophisticated mass spectrometry resources and expertise to supportCenter Investigator research efforts. It will neither unnecessarily duplicate analytical capabilities ofinvestigators' laboratories nor become a processing center for large numbers of routine analyses. The goals ofthe Core have changed slightly during the past funding period to reflect developments in the fields ofproteomics, metabolomics and biomarker identification, and the increased interest in these new technologiesby Center Members. Acquisition of major new instrumentation has enabled significant improvements inexisting services as well as expansion into novel assays applied to protein, drug and metabolite analyses. Thefacility has worked in close cooperation with the Molecular Biology Facility Core to integrate services requiredfor protein expression profiling projects and analysis of serum samples. We anticipate a similar degree ofcooperation with the proposed Integrative Health Science Facility Core which will utilize assays developed foranalysis of tissue and biofluid samples to investigate the role of environmental factors in human disease.
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