Multi-material structures with varying functionality can offer unique solutions to engineering problems compared to single-material, multi-part structures. However, traditional approaches to manufacture multi-material structures involve separate processes for each part, followed by joining operation/s. Such approaches are cost intensive and failure prone. In many cases, incompatible materials cannot be processed using such approaches. This Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) award will enable fundamental research to understand the influence of computer-aided microstructural designs and compositional variations at multi-material interfaces by measuring physical, mechanical, thermal and biological properties to solve long-standing multi-material manufacturing challenges for structures used in aerospace and biomedical applications. Multi-material additive manufacturing structures can be designed and manufactured with performance improvements in user-defined locations, with variations in properties like hardness, corrosion resistance, and environmental adaptation selected exactly where needed. Such an approach can allow users, designers and manufacturers to create innovative component designs with multi-functionality. and can help the US to lead in the next generation manufacturing of a variety of multifunctional multi-material structures. The multi-disciplinary approach will help broaden participation of underrepresented groups in research and training to positively impact engineering education.
Multi-material additive manufacturing offers a new paradigm in materials processing. However, there are no manufacturing guidelines for design, processing and characterization of multi-material additive manufacturing. This research will address critical scientific challenges and fill the knowledge gaps related to multi-material additive manufacturing using a directed energy deposition-based additive manufacturing system. The research team will understand mechanisms for minimizing diffusion of incompatible ions to prevent metallurgical failures at interfaces through evaluation of physical, mechanical, thermal and biological properties. The research team will also do preliminary finite element analysis to understand how thermal stress accumulation influences microstructure during additive manufacturing. Direct input from experts in the additive manufacturing equipment manufacturing industry will be a valuable tool towards preparing students to face real world engineering challenges.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.