Analysis of the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur present in sediments and rocks is of fundamental importance for research in a broad spectrum of the Earth and Ocean Sciences. This grant supports one-half of the funds needed for the acquisition of a Coulometrics Inorganic Carbon Analyzer and CE Elemental Analyzer that will be installed and operated in the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. USC is committed to providing the remaining funds required for the purchase. Specifically, the Coulometrics CM 140 will be used for analyzing carbonate percentage in recent sediments and rocks and the CE 2500 will be used for analysis of total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. This instrumentation will replace the LECO analysis system that has been used in the department since the early 60's, providing increased sensitivity, speed of analysis and accuracy. It will also provide enhanced capability as it permits measurements of nitrogen and hydrogen. This equipment will facilitate the research programs of ten faculty members spanning the fields of sedimentary geology, geochemistry, paleoceanography and paleontology. It will also be of instructional use, particularly in graduate classes in carbonate stratigraphy, geochemistry and paleoceanography. Users outside of USC will also be able to negotiate for machine time for appropriate research projects. ***