This research project focuses on the study of the nonlinear propagation of high-power femtosecond laser pulses in optically transparent media under conditions in which the pulse undergoes wave collapse such that strong coupling of the temporal and spatial degrees of freedom occurs. The phenomena that will be explored include self-focusing of sub-10 femtosecond pulses and propagation in the anomalous dispersion regime where generation of three-dimensional optical solitons may be possible. The proposed research will have an impact on the field of nonlinear dynamics and will have implications for various areas of ultrafast science, including femtosecond laser damage, pulse propagation in air, and parametric and harmonic generation in gases with ultrashort pulses. In addition to the education of graduate and undergraduate students, the broader impact of the program will involve outreach activities via the NSF-funded Center for Nanoscale Systems' Institute for Physics Teachers (CIPT) as well as the delivery of optics related seminars to high-school teachers and students.