Dr. Cosloy continues to study the genetics and regulation of the heme biosynthetic pathway of Escherichia coli in collaboration with Dr. Charlotte Russell of Area L The heme IX synthesis pathway in E coli has several branches. G1utamyl-tRNA participates in protein synthesis as well as in the synthesis of aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the first committed intermediate in heme biosynthesis. Another branch point occurs at the uroporphyrinogen III step and it leads to sirohydrochlorin or to heme. Sirohydrochlorin is the precursor for the branches leading to Vitamin B12 and to siroheme. Siroheme is a cofactor in the synthesis of cysteine. Heme plays a role in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and it has been found that 02 may regulate the production of ALA. These considerations suggest that the control of this pathway requires interesting strategies which are worth investigating.

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Das, Bidyut; Shi, Lingyan; Budansky, Yury et al. (2018) Alzheimer mouse brain tissue measured by time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy using single- and multi-photon excitation of label free native molecules. J Biophotonics 11:
Nicolas, Laura; Cols, Montserrat; Choi, Jee Eun et al. (2018) Generating and repairing genetically programmed DNA breaks during immunoglobulin class switch recombination. F1000Res 7:458
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Shi, Lingyan; Lindwasser, Lukas; Wang, Wubao et al. (2017) Propagation of Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beams through mouse brain tissue. J Biophotonics 10:1756-1760
Shi, Lingyan; Lu, Luyao; Harvey, George et al. (2017) Label-Free Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Detecting Key Biomolecules in Brain Tissue from a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Sci Rep 7:2599
Huang, Wenlin; Serra, Olga; Dastmalchi, Keyvan et al. (2017) Comprehensive MS and Solid-State NMR Metabolomic Profiling Reveals Molecular Variations in Native Periderms from Four Solanum tuberosum Potato Cultivars. J Agric Food Chem 65:2258-2274
Callaway, David J E; Matsui, Tsutomu; Weiss, Thomas et al. (2017) Controllable Activation of Nanoscale Dynamics in a Disordered Protein Alters Binding Kinetics. J Mol Biol 429:987-998

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