Testoderm TTS is a transcutaneous testosterone administration patch that can be applied to non-scrotal skin sites, such as the back, arm and upper buttocks areas. Prior studies have shown that the testosterone release rate in vitro increases with time. However, high in-vitro release rates may not result in high serum testosterone concentrations in patients because skin permeability is rate-limiting for drug absorption, even in the face of higher release rates. It is the purpose of this study to test whether such higher release rates present in preparations having a shelf age of >18 mos result in higher serum testosterone levels compared to preparations having a shelf age of <6 mos. This will be a multicenter study with a total enrollment of 28 hypogonadal men with the goal of having at least 24 men complete the study. We expect to enroll 8 -10 men in this center.
Sherenian, Michael G; Singh, Anne M; Arguelles, Lester et al. (2018) Association of food allergy and decreased lung function in children and young adults with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 121:588-593.e1 |
Baron, Kelly Glazer; Reid, Kathryn J; Malkani, Roneil G et al. (2017) Sleep Variability Among Older Adults With Insomnia: Associations With Sleep Quality and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk. Behav Sleep Med 15:144-157 |
Makhija, Melanie M; Robison, Rachel G; Caruso, Deanna et al. (2016) Patterns of allergen sensitization and self-reported allergic disease in parents of food allergic children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 117:382-386.e1 |
Gupta, Ruchi S; Walkner, Madeline M; Greenhawt, Matthew et al. (2016) Food Allergy Sensitization and Presentation in Siblings of Food Allergic Children. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 4:956-62 |
Raghanti, Mary Ann; Edler, Melissa K; Stephenson, Alexa R et al. (2016) Human-specific increase of dopaminergic innervation in a striatal region associated with speech and language: A comparative analysis of the primate basal ganglia. J Comp Neurol 524:2117-29 |
Slama, Laurence; Jacobson, Lisa P; Li, Xiuhong et al. (2016) Longitudinal Changes Over 10 Years in Free Testosterone Among HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 71:57-64 |
Ye, Wen; Rosenthal, Philip; Magee, John C et al. (2015) Factors Determining ?-Bilirubin Levels in Infants With Biliary Atresia. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 60:659-63 |
Arroyo-Ávila, Mariangelí; Santiago-Casas, Yesenia; McGwin Jr, Gerald et al. (2015) Clinical associations of anti-Smith antibodies in PROFILE: a multi-ethnic lupus cohort. Clin Rheumatol 34:1217-23 |
Nodzenski, Michael; Muehlbauer, Michael J; Bain, James R et al. (2014) Metabomxtr: an R package for mixture-model analysis of non-targeted metabolomics data. Bioinformatics 30:3287-8 |
Scholtens, Denise M; Muehlbauer, Michael J; Daya, Natalie R et al. (2014) Metabolomics reveals broad-scale metabolic perturbations in hyperglycemic mothers during pregnancy. Diabetes Care 37:158-66 |
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