Continued support is requested for the Pediatric Clinical Research Center for both inpatient and outpatient investigation. This Center will provide facilities and partial financing for ongoing studies of a variety of illnesses and disorders of significance not only during childhood but also relating to lifetme health and quality of life. Major investigational efforts involve endocrine studies in normal and pathologic states; investigations of metabolic pathways in a variety of genetically determined and acquired metabolic disorders; a survey of hypertensive disorders in young children and adolescence in order to define etiologic factors and to develop remedial approaches including dietary alternatives and behavior modification; a study of the toxic effects of lead and trace metals in children and the development of procedures to detect, define and treat these disorders; studies on the dietary control of hyperammonemia and hyperaminoacidemia states utilizing ketoanalogues of essential amino acids; definitive evaluation of hyperlipidemic states in order to define matabolic causes and to develop appropriate therapeutic maneuvers and investigations to determine the biological significance of hemoglobin F synthesis in a variety of hematologic disorders and the possible therapeutic implications in sickle cell disease.
Robert Braši?, James; Mari, Zoltan; Lerner, Alicja et al. (2018) Remission of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome after Heat-Induced Dehydration. Int J Phys Med Rehabil 6: |
Altman, Matthew C; Whalen, Elizabeth; Togias, Alkis et al. (2018) Allergen-induced activation of natural killer cells represents an early-life immune response in the development of allergic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 142:1856-1866 |
AIDS-defining Cancer Project Working Group of IeDEA, COHERE in EuroCoord (2018) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk in adults living with HIV across five continents. AIDS 32:2777-2786 |
Juraschek, Stephen P; Miller 3rd, Edgar R; Appel, Lawrence J (2018) Orthostatic Hypotension and Symptoms in the AASK Trial. Am J Hypertens 31:665-671 |
Elion, Richard A; Althoff, Keri N; Zhang, Jinbing et al. (2018) Recent Abacavir Use Increases Risk of Type 1 and Type 2 Myocardial Infarctions Among Adults With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 78:62-72 |
Al-Sofiani, Mohammed E; Yanek, Lisa R; Faraday, Nauder et al. (2018) Diabetes and Platelet Response to Low-Dose Aspirin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 103:4599-4608 |
Grover, Surbhi; Desir, Fidel; Jing, Yuezhou et al. (2018) Reduced Cancer Survival Among Adults With HIV and AIDS-Defining Illnesses Despite No Difference in Cancer Stage at Diagnosis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 79:421-429 |
Grams, Morgan E; Sang, Yingying; Ballew, Shoshana H et al. (2018) Predicting timing of clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease and severely decreased glomerular filtration rate. Kidney Int 93:1442-1451 |
Yanik, Elizabeth L; Hernández-Ramírez, Raúl U; Qin, Li et al. (2018) Brief Report: Cutaneous Melanoma Risk Among People With HIV in the United States and Canada. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 78:499-504 |
Aboud, Katherine S; Barquero, Laura A; Cutting, Laurie E (2018) Prefrontal mediation of the reading network predicts intervention response in dyslexia. Cortex 101:96-106 |
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