This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing theresources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject andinvestigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source,and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed isfor the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator.The purpose of this study is test the interactions of buprenorphine-naloxone, and medications to treat HIV disease. The participants will be eligible for this study if they have an addiction to heroin or prescription medications and are not currently receiving substance abuse treatment. The research subject must be taking Suboxone therapy, which helps prevent withdrawal symptoms, for at least 2 weeks before joining the study. The anticipated enrollment is 70 and the HIV drugs will be taken for 5 days.This study will require that RS participate as an outpatient and be admitted to the hospital for blood and urine sampling sessions (1-2 nights for each of the two sessions). The RS must also agree to daily visits to the clinic, except for Sundays, to take medication and have a health examination.
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