EXCEED THE SPACEPROVIDED.This is a renewal application for the General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) at the Pennsylvania StateUniversity College of Medicine and The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center (HMC) with satellite outpatientfacilities at the Elmore Clinical Research Center of the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), University Park(UP), PA. The GCRC program was initially funded in August of 1995 and refunded in December of 1999.The GCRC moved into new facilities in March 2003 after obtaining a Construction Grant (COS) from theNCRR in September of 2001. The satellite at the University Park campus is housed in the Elmore ClinicalResearch Center. Over the last 5 year funding period, the unit has grown incorporating a number of wellfunded scientists, expanding services, enhancing research training, and providing our investigators andpatients with two truly outstanding facilities in which to perform their work. This renewal application contains80 protocols from investigators in 27 separate departments within the Pennsylvania State University. Themajor areas of investigation include autonomic and cardiovascular physiology, aging, obesity, polycysticovary disease, the genetics of ARDS, the study of the mechanisms and impact of sleep-disordered breathingon various diseases, the effects of nutrition on cardiovascular risk, and the study of insulin resistance. Weare requesting 7,439 outpatient visits and 0 per diem inpatient days for the GCRC-Hershey, and 4,163outpatient visits and 0 per diem inpatient days for the GCRC-UP. We are also requesting support for theImmunomodulation and Microdialysis Core Laboratories. We are enthused about the growth of the centerand the potential for continued success.
Lieberman, Jay L; DE Souza, Mary Jane; Wagstaff, David A et al. (2018) Menstrual Disruption with Exercise Is Not Linked to an Energy Availability Threshold. Med Sci Sports Exerc 50:551-561 |
Zhang, Lijun; Wang, Ming; Sterling, Nicholas W et al. (2018) Cortical Thinning and Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease without Dementia. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform 15:570-580 |
Rossi, Alexander; Berger, Kristin; Chen, Honglei et al. (2018) Projection of the prevalence of Parkinson's disease in the coming decades: Revisited. Mov Disord 33:156-159 |
Lee, Soomi; Martire, Lynn M; Damaske, Sarah A et al. (2018) Covariation in couples' nightly sleep and gender differences. Sleep Health 4:201-208 |
Almeida, David M; Lee, Soomi; Walter, Kimberly N et al. (2018) The effects of a workplace intervention on employees' cortisol awakening response. Community Work Fam 21:151-167 |
Liu, Guodong; Sterling, Nicholas W; Kong, Lan et al. (2017) Statins may facilitate Parkinson's disease: Insight gained from a large, national claims database. Mov Disord 32:913-917 |
Sterling, Nicholas W; Du, Guangwei; Lewis, Mechelle M et al. (2017) Cortical gray and subcortical white matter associations in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol Aging 49:100-108 |
Berryman, Claire E; Fleming, Jennifer A; Kris-Etherton, Penny M (2017) Inclusion of Almonds in a Cholesterol-Lowering Diet Improves Plasma HDL Subspecies and Cholesterol Efflux to Serum in Normal-Weight Individuals with Elevated LDL Cholesterol. J Nutr 147:1517-1523 |
Calhoun, Susan L; Fernandez-Mendoza, Julio; Vgontzas, Alexandros N et al. (2017) Behavioral Profiles Associated with Objective Sleep Duration in Young Children with Insomnia Symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol 45:337-344 |
Quick, Virginia; Byrd-Bredbenner, Carol; Shoff, Suzanne et al. (2016) Relationships of Sleep Duration With Weight-Related Behaviors of U.S. College Students. Behav Sleep Med 14:565-80 |
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