EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED.We propose funding of a GCRC at Children's National Medical Center (CNMC), with a satellite program atGeorgetown University Medical Center (GUMC). The goal of our integrated GCRC program is to provide theinfrastructure for patient-oriented research at our two institutions, leading to improved healthcare of childrenand adults through innovative studies of mechanism and treatment of disease. The Pediatric GCRC at CNMCwas initially funded as a satellite program of the GUMC GCRC in September 2000. During its first three yearsof operation it has increased the number of protocols from 25 to 142, of which 83 are included in thisapplication. The number of GCRC investigators has increased from 14 to 43 during the same period. TheGUMC GCRC has also grown from 41 protocols in 1999 to 215 of which 82 are included here, and thenumber of GCRC investigators has increased from 49 to 111 during the same period. NIH grant support forresearch has increased at both institutions during the same period, at GUMC from $65 to $73 million, and atCNMC from $8 million to $23 million, including funding of two major NCRR initiatives that extensively utilizethe GCRC resources: a K12 Clinical Research Scholars Award and a Rare Diseases Clinical ResearchCenter. This proposal seeks support for a total of 165 protocols covedng a broad spectrum of pediatric andadult diseases ranging from rare genetic disorders in national and international populations to common issuesin public health of the Washington DC metropolitan population. There are significant collaborations amongclinician-investigators in the clinical departments, between clinical and basic science departments, andbetween investigators at both institutions. Of the protocols proposed for GCRC support, 122 protocols arefunded by NIH and 32 have other peer-reviewed extramural funding. The seven presented projects highlightscientific strengths in patient-oriented investigations including genetics and metabolism, clinicalpharmacology, neuroscience, cancer and community health research. We propose the continuation of ourintegrated Biostatistics/Informatics and Bionutrition Research support, Genetics, Bioanalytical andNeurobehavioral & Psychosocial Evaluation cores, and a new Neuroimaging core. An efficient and integratedadministrative structure between the two institutions has been developed, including a combined GCRCAdvisory Committee and the sharing of research protocols that have both pediatric and adult components.Strong combined programs of education and training in patient-oriented research include the ClinicalResearch Scholars Award program and programs in human subject protection and ethics. This applicationtherefore combines the strengths of both institutions to advance patient-oriented research and training inWashington DC.
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