Cote B: Tissues and PeptidesThe Tissue and Peptide Core plays a key role in providing dedicated high quality peptides and antibodies,appropriately aged transgenic mice and human autopsy specimens to support research dedicated to the study ofthe role of A|3 assembly states and neuroinflammation in pathological aging. To achieve these goals, the Tissueand Peptide Core has 5 aims. (1) Produce and provide well-characterized peptides, antibodies and A(3 assays toindividual investigators. All program investigators require either A0 peptides or preparations of different types ofA(3 assembly states in addition to novel antibodies. The Core will provide standardized measures of soluble andinsoluble ApM-40/Apl-42 and, A(3 and neurofibrillary tangle 'loads'. (2) Generate and maintain transgenicanimals and archived transgenic mouse brain tissue samples for use by Program investigators. The use of animalmodels of human brain aging to facilitate the testing of specific hypotheses is critical to the success of all of theproposed projects. Animals will include the Tg2576, the 3xTg-AD and the ILlraKO mouse lines. (3) Assist inthe collection of standard learning and memory data from transgenic animals. The Core will provide training topersonnel on how to apply a standardized battery of learning and memory tasks selected to detect functionalimprovements or impairments in transgenic animals. This optimizes the sharing of behavioral data acrossindividual hypothesis-driven experiments proposed in individual projects. (4) Provide dedicated clinically andneuropathologically characterized human brain samples for use by Program investigators. Brain tissue samplesfrom nondemented healthy aging individuals, patients with Alzheimer's dementia, vascular dementia, mildcognitive impairment and adults with Down syndrome will be collected as they come to autopsy and specificsamples will be reserved for Program investigators. Leptomeningeal samples will be acquired on new autopsycases. (5). Maintain a database of quantitative variables and of resource use to be shared among Programinvestigators. The Core serves to collate and integrate quantitative neurobiological from human and animal tissuesand behavioral data from mice that are provided to Program investigators to allow the seamless integration ofdata from individual research Projects.
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