The Program Project on 'Reactive Oxygen Species and Aging' will include three Projects and two scientificCores, all located at the University of Kansas. The Principal Investigator will continue in his function as theLeader of Core A, the Administrative Core. The goals of Core A are: a) Provide administrative leadershipand coordination of the research effort in the study of aging, b) Provide appropriate administrative support, c)Offer expert external review and consultation, d) Organize scientific exchanges in the form of symposia, e)Promote scientific interactions and create a cohesive research environment. And, f) Obtain support from theInstitution as needed. The overarching goal is that the whole of this Program Project is greater than the sumof the individual Projects and Cores. Meeting these goals defines the purpose of the Administrative Core,which is: to provide for the overall direction and management of the Program; to make sure that the Projectand Core staff remain cohesive and focused on common scientific goals; to provide opportunities forreviews, consultations, and exchanges with the scientific community; and, to represent the scientific interestsof the investigators to the University and secure support for laboratory facilities as needed. The progressthat Core A has made in providing for the successful, collaborative and forward-looking scientific efforts ofthe investigators in the Projects and Cores is attested by the productivity of the investigators, theircommitment to the goals of the Project, their collaborations, and their efforts to introduce new technologiesand new resources.
The aims of Core A are to: 1) Provide administrative leadership and coordination of theoverall research effort with the goal of producing high quality science in the study of aging; 2) Provideappropriate administrative, accounting and other management support; 3) Offer expert external review andconsultation for optimal progress of the research; 4) Organize bi-annual symposia on 'MolecularMechanisms of Aging, Oxidative Stress and Ca2+ Regulation'; 5) Promote scientific interactions, exchangeinformation and share data/resources; and 6) Obtain support from the Institution as needed for theexpansion of the research capabilities of the Project.
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