The Data Management and Biostatistics Core (DMBC) will serve as a resource and collaborator for all projects and cores related to this program project. Specifically the DMBC will: (1) consult on the design of all projects and in the application of appropriate statistical and methodological techniques;(2) lead and collaborate in data analysis and report preparation for all cores and projects, especially in the analysis of associations among longitudinal growth/decline patterns of all disease markers across the individual projects;(3) coordinate and implement participant scheduling program across all projects and cores;(4) continue our collaboration with the WU Center for Biomedical Informatics (CBMI) to complete the transition to our bioinformatics platforms, make data collected by ACS cores and projects available to all ACS investigators, and insure the quality control of all analysis data sets for publications;(5) collaborate in the design of all forms to be used;(6) develop, apply, and implement statistical data analysis techniques appropriate for addressing the scientific aims of the program project.
The Data Management and Biostafistics Core (DMBC) provides design, analyses, and data management resources to support all the ACS projects and cores. The relevance of the DMBC is that ACS addresses crucial public health questions to identify the eariiest possible biomarker changes for Alzheimer's disease and dementia so that prevention and/or treatment can be started early.
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