The Administrative Core will be responsible for overseeing the daily functions of the Center programs infulfilling the goal of the Center. The Core will provide administrative support, including support for grants andfinancial management; scheduling of meetings and seminars; coordination of activities between the Centerand UCLA academic and administrative bodies and other participating institutions (LA BioMed ResearchInstitute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, and the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System-West LosAngeles). The Core will also provide biostatistical support for all research projects and cores, and themanagement of research data and shared data function of the Center. It will have the ultimate responsibilityof managing details of the budget, appropriately filing budgetary information, and will file progress reportsand communicate with NCCAM. The scheduling, dissemination of information, and organization of theCenter Symposium, including the participation of the External Advisory Board, will also be the responsibilitiesof the Administrative Core. Oversight all of the established policies for recruitment of women and minorities,and interaction with other NCCAM Centers for Excellence will also be the responsibilities of theAdministrative Core. The Administrative Core, under the direction of Dr. Vay Liang W. Go, will providesupport as well as oversight of the research projects and cores, and Dr. Gang Li will provide biostatisticalsupport: The research projects are: Project 1 on the effects of phytonutrients and metabolism on pancreaticcancer, Project 2 on how polyphenols regulate lipid inflammatory process in pancreatic cancer, and Project 3on flavonoids in pancreatic carcinogenesis and angiogenesis. The projects will utilize our shared coreresources including the Animal Model Core, Phytonutrient Core, and Metabolomics Core. TheAdministrative Core will also interact and collaborate with key investigators and have access to theiravailable shared resources at UCLA and participating institutions to fulfill the Center's goal to studyphytonutrient mechanisms of action in inflammatory and proliferative diseases of the pancreas. It is our goalto have the results of this investigation characterize the metabolic phenotypes in response to specificphytonutrients and so that it can form the rationale for biologically-based practices in the prevention andtreatment of pancreatic diseases.
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