The goal of the Scientific Core is to support and facilitate the research programs of the investigators inthe program project. The overall Scientific Core consists of a Photography Sub-Core, an AngiogenesisAssay Sub-Core, and an Imaging Sub-Core, (i) The Photography Core provides high quality, in-houseconventional and digital services, including figures for publication, and images for slide and PowerPointpresentations. This Core is staffed by one full-time photographer with over 10 years experience in thedepartment (ii) The Angiogenesis Assay Core will provide microvascular endothelial cells and expertisein carrying out angiogenesis assays, including chick aortic rings to measure angiogenesis in vitro, themouse cornea assay and chick chorioallantoic membrane assay to test angiogenesis promoters andinhibitors in vivo. This Core is staffed by one senior technician (with over 29 years experience) and alaboratory assistant. The Core does large and small vessel endothelial cell preparation and biology,and develops the chick embryo Angiogenesis model, (iii) The Imaging Core will provide a centralizedfacility for laser-confocal microscopy, real-time imaging, and three-dimensional reconstruction of livingcells, whole embryos, and histological sections of tumors and developing vascular tissue. The ImagingCore will be staffed by an experienced confocal microscopist who will operate the shared laser-scanningconfocal microscope, instruct and assist Project members in its use, and manage access to the facility.This new facility is critical to a number of the specific aims of the Program Project.
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