The goal of the UCLA-CGEP is to investigate the hypothesis that the cellular mechanisms of action identifiedfor Putative Environmental Toxicants (PETs) contribute to a significant increase in PD risk; this project willfocus on investigations in humans. Our group identified specific cellular mechanisms that are affected byPETs: the proteasome, microtubule integrity, and aldehyde dehydrogenase detoxification. In conjunctionwith altered VMAT function/expression that influences dopamine balance, these pathways may affect thevulnerability of DA neurons to neurodegeneration. We propose to use our existing data from the ParkinsonEnvironment Gene (PEG) study to test biological candidate genes and PETs for association with PD. Wehave enrolled nearly 400 PD patients and 400 population controls from California's Central Valley. Eachindividual has been assessed for pesticide exposure based on records mandated by state law, and patientshave been examined by a UCLA Movement Disorder neurologist, thus, we have a unique resource of wellcharacterized PD subjects and controls with exceptional data for exposure to specific agricultural pesticides.To detect associations for rarer pesticides and genetic variants acting in the hypothesized biologicalpathways and to investigate gene-gene (GxG) and gene-environment (GxE) interactions with sufficientpower, we propose to recruit and collect biological (DMA) samples from 400 additional population controls asa quick and cost-effective way to increase sample size and power.
Our specific aims are to test thehypotheses that 1) environmental pesticides targeting the same cellular systems as the previously identifiedPETs also increase PD risk; 2) variants of genes (assessed via putative functional and haplotype taggingSNPs) in cellular pathways affected by PETs increase PD risk. Secondarily, we will a) test GxE and GxGinteractions (including VMAT) to determine whether variants of the candidate genes selected interact withPETs and/or other genes to modulate PD risk in humans; b) retest genetic and GxG interaction associationsin a replication cohort. Genes selected for initial investigation in this project have been determined by data~on pathways and genes from our basic science projects (projects 1-3). Genetic investigations in later yearsof this project will be driven by the initial results of projects 1-3 in this center. In turn, the findings from geneand PET investigations in this human study will feedback and help develop hypotheses to be tested in theother projects.
Kusters, Cynthia D J; Paul, Kimberly C; Guella, Ilaria et al. (2018) Dopamine receptors and BDNF-haplotypes predict dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 47:39-44 |
Paul, Kimberly C; Sinsheimer, Janet S; Cockburn, Myles et al. (2018) NFE2L2, PPARGC1?, and pesticides and Parkinson's disease risk and progression. Mech Ageing Dev 173:1-8 |
Chen, Honglei; Ritz, Beate (2018) The Search for Environmental Causes of Parkinson's Disease: Moving Forward. J Parkinsons Dis 8:S9-S17 |
Richter, Franziska; Gabby, Lauryn; McDowell, Kimberly A et al. (2017) Effects of decreased dopamine transporter levels on nigrostriatal neurons and paraquat/maneb toxicity in mice. Neurobiol Aging 51:54-66 |
Narayan, Shilpa; Liew, Zeyan; Bronstein, Jeff M et al. (2017) Occupational pesticide use and Parkinson's disease in the Parkinson Environment Gene (PEG) study. Environ Int 107:266-273 |
Richter, Franziska; Subramaniam, Sudhakar R; Magen, Iddo et al. (2017) A Molecular Tweezer Ameliorates Motor Deficits in Mice Overexpressing ?-Synuclein. Neurotherapeutics 14:1107-1119 |
Sanders, Laurie H; Paul, Kimberly C; Howlett, Evan H et al. (2017) Editor's Highlight: Base Excision Repair Variants and Pesticide Exposure Increase Parkinson's Disease Risk. Toxicol Sci 158:188-198 |
Aguilar, Jenny I; Dunn, Matthew; Mingote, Susana et al. (2017) Neuronal Depolarization Drives Increased Dopamine Synaptic Vesicle Loading via VGLUT. Neuron 95:1074-1088.e7 |
Paul, Kimberly C; Sinsheimer, Janet S; Cockburn, Myles et al. (2017) Organophosphate pesticides and PON1 L55M in Parkinson's disease progression. Environ Int 107:75-81 |
Chuang, Yu-Hsuan; Paul, Kimberly C; Bronstein, Jeff M et al. (2017) Parkinson's disease is associated with DNA methylation levels in human blood and saliva. Genome Med 9:76 |
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