The project is administered by the PI, the executive administrator, Ms. Fannie Dela Cruz with theassistance of the Administrative Officer, Ms. Margaret Brierton. They provide the routine andstrategic management for the administration of the Core. They oversee the finances of the project.The Core provides the interface between the scientific investigators and the purchasing, regulatory,and administrative requirements. The Core allocates the financial resources to individual subprojectsand cores. It provides a monthly financial review for project and core leaders. It maintains a log ofpurchase order requests and receipt of supplies and equipment and for the tracking of expenditure,changes in personnel, and service contracts for the project leaders. It provides expert editorialassistance for preparation of manuscripts and word processing. It coordinates the convening of theinternal and external scientific review groups. It handles the travel arrangements for the externalreview committee members and remuneration for their expenses. It coordinates the weeklyresearch seminar and the visits of invited professors. The Core coordinates an annual meeting on'New insights into Cardiovascular Kidney Disease.' This is a 3 day, small group program for opinionleaders in the US and overseas where selected topics from the program project are discussed indepth. Each year the subproject and core leaders present their results and the external reviewgroup is invited to participate. This provides the reviewers with an opportunity to become deeplyacquainted with the annual progress of the program and to provide their own comments on detailand substance. The meeting is financed by Division Funds. The Core prepares the reports andsummaries which are required by the NIH for administrative review.
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