The overall objective of Project 4 of this Program Project Grant is to further our understanding of how activation of the vestibular system contributes to sympathetic and cardiopulmonary regulation during orthostatic stress in humans. We hypothesize that the vestibular reflex activation of sympathetic nerve activity, and subsequent peripheral and visceral vascular responses, and respiratory responses are attenuated in humans with a predisposition to orthostatic intolerance (i.e., idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, vestibular deficient subjects, aged, and highly trained endurance athletes). During the past five years, we have gained new insights regarding vestibular regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and respiration in humans. These studies have demonstrated that engagement of the otolith organs increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity while engagement of the semicircular canals increases respiration. Furthermore, studies in older subjects demonstrate an attenuation of both the vestibulosympathetic and vestibulorespiratory reflexes. Because aging is associated with increased orthostatic intolerance, these findings suggest that these vestibular reflexes may play an important role in orthostatic intolerance. We will test the following specific aims in healthy sedentary controls and subjects with a predisposition to orthostatic intolerance: To examine sympathetic and hemodynamic responses to otolith organ stimulation. To examine peripheral (skeletal muscle) and visceral (renal and mesenteric) vascular responses to vestibular stimulation. To examine respiratory responses to vestibular stimulation. The design of these studies will provide new knowledge regarding vestibular regulation of the sympathetic nervous system and respiration in humans. Additionally, these studies will address the hypotheses that the vestibular system contributes to blood pressure regulation during orthostatic stress and that attenuation of these reflexes contributes to impaired postural blood pressure regulation. Results from these studies will provide a better understanding of a heretofore overlooked but important afferent input to efferent regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and respiration during postural stress.
Cui, Jian; Sinoway, Lawrence I (2014) Cardiovascular responses to heat stress in chronic heart failure. Curr Heart Fail Rep 11:139-45 |
Ray, Chester A; Sauder, Charity L; Chin-Sang, Stephanie A et al. (2013) Is there diurnal variation of the vestibulosympathetic reflex: implications for orthostatic hypotension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 305:H1555-9 |
Dyckman, Damian J; Sauder, Charity L; Ray, Chester A (2012) Effects of short-term and prolonged bed rest on the vestibulosympathetic reflex. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 302:H368-74 |
Dyckman, Damian J; Sauder, Charity L; Ray, Chester A (2011) Glycerol-induced fluid shifts attenuate the vestibulosympathetic reflex in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 300:R630-4 |
Cui, Jian; Leuenberger, Urs A; Blaha, Cheryl et al. (2011) Effect of P2 receptor blockade with pyridoxine on sympathetic response to exercise pressor reflex in humans. J Physiol 589:685-95 |
Krishnan, Anandi; Lucassen, Elisabeth B; Hogeman, Cindy et al. (2011) Effects of limb posture on reactive hyperemia. Eur J Appl Physiol 111:1415-20 |
Cook, Jonathan S; Sauder, Charity L; Ray, Chester A (2011) Melatonin differentially affects vascular blood flow in humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 300:H670-4 |
Momen, Afsana; Gao, Zhaohui; Cohen, Abigail et al. (2010) Coronary vasoconstrictor responses are attenuated in young women as compared with age-matched men. J Physiol 588:4007-16 |
Cook, Jonathan S; Ray, Chester A (2010) Melatonin attenuates the vestibulosympathetic but not vestibulocollic reflexes in humans: selective impairment of the utricles. J Appl Physiol (1985) 109:1697-701 |
Cui, Jian; Leuenberger, Urs A; Blaha, Cheryl et al. (2010) Local adenosine receptor blockade accentuates the sympathetic responses to fatiguing exercise. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 298:H2130-7 |
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