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Cushman, Jesse D; Moore, Mellissa D; Olsen, Richard W et al. (2014) The role of the ? GABA(A) receptor in ovarian cycle-linked changes in hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Neurochem Res 39:1140-6
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Gonzalez, Claudia; Moss, Stephen J; Olsen, Richard W (2012) Ethanol promotes clathrin adaptor-mediated endocytosis via the intracellular domain of ?-containing GABAA receptors. J Neurosci 32:17874-81
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Meera, Pratap; Olsen, Richard W; Otis, Thomas S et al. (2010) Alcohol- and alcohol antagonist-sensitive human GABAA receptors: tracking ? subunit incorporation into functional receptors. Mol Pharmacol 78:918-24
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