The Analytical and Neuropathology Core provides analytical neurochemistry, gross and microscopicpathology, and tissue, CSF and microdialysate banking for the Program Project.
The Specific Aims are: 1.)measure nitrate/nitrite as markers of nitric oxide metabolism in humans and animals following traumatic braininjury (TBI) and in response to erythropoietin (Epo) administration following TBI. 2.) measure Epo and Eporeceptor following TBI in humans and animals. 3.) measure biomarkers of inflammation in microdialysateand CSF samples following TBI and in response to Epo therapy. 4.) provide neuropathology support forhistopathological analysis of experimental TBI including measurement of contusion volumes, neuronal loss,and antigen expression. 5.) provide tissue and CSF, serum, and microdialysate sample banking for animaland human tissue samples from TBI. 6.) provide analysis of arachidonic acid conversion to epoxygenaseproducts by P450 following TBI in experimental animals. As in previous iterations of the Program Project,the Analytical and Neuropathology Core interacts closely with the major scientific projects and with the othercores.
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