INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEWThe Administration, Communication and Integration Core ('Administrative Core', Core A) will facilitate allTCSSA functions and will meet the administrative needs of the faculty, trainees and staff within the Center,including oversight of Center organization and logistical and integrative processes. This Core will unite externaland internal academic assets with the day-to-day functions needed to accomplish TCSSA objectives. Theestablishment and maintenance of TCSSA policies and procedures, communication initiatives, integration ofCenter resources, the TCSSA-specific databases and secure website are key responsibilities of theAdministrative Core. In these activities, the Administrative Core will function with integrity to serve all Projectsand the scientific Core within the TCSSA, following the recommendations of the Leadership Team and theExternal Advisory Board (see III. ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS). The TCSSA will behoused in new and dedicated space provided by the institution (see letter of support from Dean of Medicine Dr.Garland Anderson). This identified central office will provide visibility and legitimacy to the TCSSA enterpriseand serve as a home for the shared administrative functions for the Projects and the Cores. In addition, a fulltimeCenter Administrator will be recruited in the first 3 months of funding. Supplemental secretarial andresearch development support will also be available as needed as a component of the institutional commitment[see Institutional Commitment Table (pg. 9); letter of support, Dr. Garland Anderson].The multiple components of Center management will assure success of the mission of the TCSSA. Theseinclude the Leadership Team, External Advisory Board, Consultants for Projects and Cores, and theAdministrative Core (see III. ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS for descriptions of functions).The organization of the TCSSA is devised to create a maximally interactive environment and the heart of thecollaborative research experience. The following sections will detail the Core A components: (1) AdministrativeCore and Responsibilities, (2) Administrative Core Activities, (3) Creating the Productive Community(Collaborative and Communication Strategies), (4) Scientific Training, Mentoring, Career Development andOutreach, (5) Data and Resources Sharing Plan, and (6) Benchmarks for Success of the TCSSA.
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