All of the administrative activities related to the Cellular and Molecular Geroscience CoBRE will be managed through the ARMS Core. Drs. William Sonntag and Robert Anderson will work closely with the administrative staff to ensure that all of the scientific and fiscal activities of the program are closely monitored and that the grant complies with all federal and university rules and regulations pertinent to the CoBRE program.
The aims of the ARMS core are: 1. To provide all administrative services necessary for the successful operation of the Geroscience CoBRE program. 2. To coordinate the recruitment of new PJIs to replace those who ?graduate? and recruit applicants for Pilot Projects. 3. To coordinate and oversee the mentoring of PJIs by senior faculty with an established history of successful mentoring of students, postdoctoral fellows, and young faculty. 4. To provide biostatistical support for the PJIs, Pilot Projects, and Research Cores that includes research design, data management, and statistical analysis support to ensure rigor and reproducibility of the research. Given the recent emphasis by the NIH on rigor and reproducibility, transparency, authenticity, and gender considerations in NIH-supported research, biostatistical support is an essential component of our CoBRE program.