The purpose of the electrophysiology and behavior core (COBRE Core D) is to provide a battery of standard tests and techniques that are needed to assess the function of animals and their spinal cords after injury and treatment, and to facilitate the development of more specialized techniques and tests that may be needed for the COBRE projects. The core will provide transcranial magnetic motor evoked potentials (tcMMEP), somatosensory evoke potentials (acute and chronic), Hoffman and crossed extensor reflexes, cutaneous reflexes, somatosensory evoked potentials, and field potential mapping. In addition, the core will provide for in vitro extracellular recording of white matter (demyelination/remyelination), intracellular recording from in vitro preparations and whole-cell recording that could be performed in thin slice or tissue culture. Behaviorally, the core will provide the BBB and grid walking tests for hindlimbs, the food retrieval tests for forelimbs, and footprint and gait analysis that examines both forelimbs and hindlimbs. Apart from the footprint and gait analysis, these are currently available in our research group. In addition to providing the tests and techniques listed above, core personnel will pursue independent studies using the animal models and cell types available in the COBRE cores to generate the preliminary studies necessary to become competitive for additional extramural support.
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