The goal of this application is toestablish a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Neuroscienceat the University of Vermont (UVM).
The specific aims of this proposal are:
Specific Aim 1 : Establish the research and intellectual infrastructure tosupport a University-wide Center for Neuroscience Excellence at UVM. Goals ofthis aim include: 1) to establish a mentoring program to support juniorneuroscience faculty; 2) to establish an imaging/physiology core to supportthe research projects of the junior faculty; 3) to establish acellular/molecular core to support the research projects of the juniorfaculty; 4) to establish a University-wide Neuroscience Seminar Series andAnnual Neuroscience Retreat; 5) to establish a mechanism of communicationbetween basic scientists and clinicians that facilitates development oftranslational research and 6) to establish a University-wide mechanism forNeuroscience Graduate Education.
Specific Aim 2 : Support the research development of a core group of juniorfaculty who will be future leaders in the Center for Neuroscience Excellence.Faculty to be supported and their project titles are: 1) Dr. Rona Delay,Department of Biology: Chloride homeostasis in olfactory neurons; 2) Dr.William Falls, Department of Psychology:Molecular and genetic analysis oflearned fear reduction in mice; 3) Dr. Anthony Morielli, Department ofPharmacology: Kinase and cytoskeletal regulation of potassium channels; 4) Dr.Matthew Rand, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology: Proteolytic modulationof Notch signaling in neurogenesis and 5) Dr. George Wellman, Department ofPharmacology: Mechanisms of cerebral vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage.UVM has established investigators in three areas of neuroscience:molecular/developmental, cellular/systems and clinical/behavioralneuroscience. Award of this application would provide a mechanism tosignificantly expand research strength in these existing areas of neuroscienceemphasis, to integrate basic with clinical neuroscience, and to promoteresearch collaborations university-wide. A level of excellence in researchand training will be fostered that is not possible without external support.Productivity of both junior and senior investigators will be stimulated, and along term mentoring framework will be created. UVM is a small institution ina rural state with limited resources; an award would substantially expand ourresearch infrastructure and significantly increase faculty competitiveness.
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