Berkeley is a leading center for demographic and economic research and training and is specially recognized for work in aging. Since 1994, NIA has funded a P20 Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging, CEDA, which has greatly enhanced research and training in aging at Berkeley. This proposal seeks another five years of support at a substantially higher level. There are 23 highly interdisciplinary CEDA members, including three members of the National Academy of Sciences, three members of the National Acad3emy of Sciences, three Sheps Award recipients, two John Bates Clark Medical recipients, and two winners of the Kenneth Arrow Award in Health Economics. Members hold 21 NIA research grants, 12 additional federal aging grants, and a total of 37 research grants in aging. Research themes include 1) demographic forecasting; 2) fiscal economic demography; 3) mortality; 4) health and health care; 5) economic demography of the life cycle; 6) biodemography. Core B will fund pilot projects and support junior researcher development; Core C will fund two conferences a year. Par I of Core A will solicit and evaluate proposals for Cores B and C and organize the resulting activities; arrange for visiting consultants, seminars, seminar speakers; write reports; and generally provide administrative support and oversight for CEDA. Part 2 of Core A will provide computing programming, and data-related services for members, pilot projects, and graduate students, and assist in other ways with research.
Barbi, Elisabetta; Lagona, Francesco; Marsili, Marco et al. (2018) The plateau of human mortality: Demography of longevity pioneers. Science 360:1459-1461 |
Steinsaltz, David; Dahl, Andrew; Wachter, Kenneth W (2018) Statistical properties of simple random-effects models for genetic heritability. Electron J Stat 12:321-356 |
Offer, Shira; Fischer, Claude S (2018) Difficult People: Who Is Perceived to Be Demanding in Personal Networks and Why Are They There? Am Sociol Rev 83:111-142 |
Li, Jing; Dow, William H; Kariv, Shachar (2017) Social preferences of future physicians. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114:E10291-E10300 |
Kobayashi, Kenji; Hsu, Ming (2017) Neural Mechanisms of Updating under Reducible and Irreducible Uncertainty. J Neurosci 37:6972-6982 |
McEwen, Lisa M; Morin, Alexander M; Edgar, Rachel D et al. (2017) Differential DNA methylation and lymphocyte proportions in a Costa Rican high longevity region. Epigenetics Chromatin 10:21 |
Barbieri, Magali; Désesquelles, Aline; Egidi, Viviana et al. (2017) Obesity-related mortality in France, Italy, and the United States: a comparison using multiple cause-of-death analysis. Int J Public Health 62:623-629 |
Prims, Julia P; Moore, Don A (2017) Overconfidence over the lifespan. Judgm Decis Mak 12:29-41 |
Alexander, Monica; Zagheni, Emilio; Barbieri, Magali (2017) A Flexible Bayesian Model for Estimating Subnational Mortality. Demography 54:2025-2041 |
Ji, Hao; Müller, Hans-Georg; Papadopoulos, Nikos T et al. (2017) Quantifying functionals of age distributions in the wild by solving an operator equation. J Math Biol 75:973-984 |
Showing the most recent 10 out of 56 publications