- Resource Core 1 The goals of the Biostatistics, Informatics, and Translational Resource Core (BITR) are to (1) foster the design of interventions that promote the restoration of and prevent loss of function in older adults, (2) promote the search for mechanisms underlying successful interventions, (3) translate interventions from the laboratory to the clinic and community, (4) design studies so as to maximize treatment fidelity and promote the measure- ment of treatment fidelity in all OAIC studies, and, (5) educate and help junior faculty plan and execute studies. RC-1 will provide an informatics backbone, GERI, that will support all aspects of the University of Maryland Older Americans Independence Center's (UM-OAIC) work. RC-1 will provide biostatistical expertise to UM- OAIC investigators helping ensure that studies are optimally designed and adequately powered, will randomize subjects and help analyze study data. RC-1 will make sure that best statistical practices guide the design and execution of OAIC research, the analysis of data, and the interpretation of the results of the analysis. By pro- moting treatment fidelity we will help assure that the test of our interventions are as efficient as possible and will increase the success of our efforts to translate interventions to the clinic and community. The Core will par- ticipate in Research Working Groups (RWG), which will assist with the design, execution, and oversight of all OAIC research. Research Working Groups, composed of the investigator, the investigator?s mentor if the in- vestigator is a junior faculty member, the study coordinator, one or more members from each resource core, and ad hoc experts, will use the reports produced by GERI as they oversee studies and monitor study pro- gress. The reports will help the RWGs assure that studies are completed in a timely fashion, and will help the RWGs identify studies that have potential for translation from laboratory bench to the clinic and community. GERI will collect and track requests for OAIC services (Request for Services system), will assist with the re- cruiting of subjects (Registry), will track study progress (Tracking Database), collect information describing ad- verse events (Adverse Event Database), and will facilitate quality control (Quality Control and Outlier Detection Systems). We will educate faculty, OAIC scholars (junior faculty) and staff in the principals of statistics and ep- idemiology and education efforts in collaboration with the REC.
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