The UCLA Cytometry Core Facility (CCF), a campus-wide resource, provides state-of-the-art instrumentationand expertise at an affordable cost to UCLA researchers needing flow and ELISpot image cytometry. In1988 the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center established the resource, and since 1991 the Center ForAIDS Research (CFAR) has provided additional support. Since 2000 Dr. Jamieson, an accomplished cellularimmunologist, directs the CCF and is available to users for consultation. Ms. Schmid, the manager of thefacility since 1988, is responsible for the CCF's daily operation and assists Dr. Jamieson with long-termplanning. Ms. Schmid is an expert flow cytometrist, well known for her development of flow cytometrymethods and her pivotal role in establishing biosafety guidelines for cell sorting. Since 2001 the CCFprovides ELISpot assay services under the guidance of Dr. Uittenbogaart, a noted cellular immunologist withextensive expertise in cytokine measurements. The CCF has a single-laser FACScan, a dual-laserFACSCalibur, a three-laser BD LSR I, a modified, dual-laser, five-color FACScan, three, three-laser sorters,an autoMACS magnetic separator, and an off-line data analysis computer. An ImmunoSpot Analyzer, three,free-standing analyzers, and five biological safety cabinets are also available. Cytometric instrumentation isexpensive and beyond the budget of most individual researchers. The CCF is easily accessible and isresponsible for procurement, daily calibration, maintenance and repair of all instrumentation. CCF personnelhave a combined 82 years of flow cytometry and 46 years of cytokine measurement experience. Expertiseis available to investigators through one-on-one consultation, classes, a website, poster presentations, andopen houses. Ms. Schmid and Dr. Uittenbogaart also work with researchers to adapt or develop assays toenable investigators to pursue research questions in novel ways. CCF services help researchers withvarying amounts of experience in cytometry to perform high quality assays with minimal time expenditure.Workshops, seminars, and utilization of new assays ensure that researchers remain on the cutting edge ofcytometry without investing their own funds or staff time on keeping current in the latest advances. Duringthe last funding period a total of 250 investigators used the CCF; 40 of those were CFAR/AIDS Institutemembers representing 38% of use. This documents the role of the CCF in enhancing HIV research at UCLAwith its potential contribution to improving the health of HIV-infected patients.
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