The overarching goal of the Clinical Core is to provide the 'value added'expertise, space, services, and training that current and future HIV/AIDS investigators need to support, enhance, and strengthen their clinical and translational research. We will accomplish this through activities that support the following Specific Aims:
Aim 1 : Facilitate the conduct of scientifically rigorous HIV/AIDS clinical and translational research. Rationale: Scientifically rigorous empirical research is the foundation upon which trust in biomedical interventions and clinical standards of care for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS is based.
Aim 2 : Provide clinical data and human specimens for use in HIV-related research. Rationale: HIV/AIDS research goals are achieved more rapidly and at less expense if clinical data and materials are available to a broad range of investigators for rapid search and retrieval from a central source.
Aim 3 : Support the development of the next generation of clinical and translational HIV/AIDS researchers. Rationale: Continued advances in biomedical prevention and clinical care for people with, or at-risk for, HIV/AIDS will only be possible if specialized training is continually made available to researchers newly entering the field.
Aim 4 : Make current and future clinical and translational researchers aware of expertise, space, services, and training available through the Core. Rationale: Providing information about resources that will facilitate the advance of, and overcome barriers to, HIV/AIDS research will help grow the base of investigators actively working in the field.
Aim 4 : Make current and future clinical and translational researchers aware of expertise, space, services, and training available through the Core. Rationale: Providing information about resources that will facilitate the advance of, and overcome barriers to, HIV/AIDS research will help grow the base of investigators actively working in the field.
Research among people infected or at risk for HIV is critical to eliminating AIDS. The CFAR Clinical Core has a major impact on facilitating HIV research at Emory and beyond. The Core enhances and facilitates human HIV research by NIH-funded scientists at Emory and Atlanta partner institutions. Also, particular attention is given to supporting young and new investigators entering the field of HIV/AIDS research in people.
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