? Immunobiology Program The Immunobiology Program (IMB) serves as a rich resource for the Abramson Cancer Center (ACC) in advancing an understanding of immunobiology and immunotherapy of cancer. The Program aims to: 1) Understand the fundamental aspects of immune biology, including leukocyte activation, differentiation, inactivation, and transformation as these relate to cancer; 2) Forge a comprehensive understanding of tumor immune surveillance using state-of-the art in vitro, animal model, and human experimental systems; and 3) Guide translation of novel clinical strategies for immunotherapy of cancer by leading or collaborating on human clinical trials. Established in 1974, this Research Program received ?Exceptional? merit at the time of the last CCSG renewal application. The Program co-Leaders (PLs) are Warren Pear, MD, PhD, an expert in the molecular biology of leukocyte development and malignant transformation and E. John Wherry, PhD, a leader in tumor immunology, immune exhaustion and immunotherapy. Drs. Pear and Wherry are experienced, NCI- funded investigators who are highly collaborative and whose research interests span the realm of basic and translational science. There are 39 Program members from nine departments and three schools with long- standing intra- and inter-Programmatic collaborations spanning the basic, clinical, and population science Programs. Members include international leaders in basic immunology, tumor immunobiology and translational immunotherapy who have driven landmark breakthroughs such as molecularly defining T cell exhaustion, dissecting the biologic response to checkpoint inhibition, and developing CAR T cells that revolutionized cellular therapy for cancer. IMB collaborates extensively with other Programs for clinical translation and biomarker discovery. For example, CART19 T cells were designed in IMB then translated to the clinic with members of the Hematologic Malignancies and Pediatric Oncology Programs in studies that led to two FDA- approved indications. The PLs facilitate interactions through multiple weekly seminars and meetings, promotion of collaborative grants and projects, two annual research retreats, pilot project grants, and training programs. During the current project period, PLs recruited 11 new Full members, expanded important forums, facilitated new collaborative grants, initiated new ACC-wide initiatives, and were actively involved in decisions regarding new and existing Shared Resources. Currently, Program members have $24.2M in research grant funding (annual direct costs), of which $15.1M is peer-reviewed and $4.1M is NCI-funded. The Program holds 38 R01-equivalents. During the current project period, Program members published 468 cancer-related publications, many of which are in top journals in the field. Of these, 19% are intra-Programmatic, 32% are inter-Programmatic, and 72% are multi-institutional.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Center Core Grants (P30)
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Subcommittee I - Transistion to Independence (NCI)
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Rosenfeld, Aaron M; Meng, Wenzhao; Luning Prak, Eline T et al. (2018) ImmuneDB, a Novel Tool for the Analysis, Storage, and Dissemination of Immune Repertoire Sequencing Data. Front Immunol 9:2107
Lang, Fengchao; Sun, Zhiguo; Pei, Yonggang et al. (2018) Shugoshin 1 is dislocated by KSHV-encoded LANA inducing aneuploidy. PLoS Pathog 14:e1007253
Buljan, Vlado A; Graeber, Manuel B; Holsinger, R M Damian et al. (2018) Calcium-axonemal microtubuli interactions underlie mechanism(s) of primary cilia morphological changes. J Biol Phys 44:53-80
Kushner, Carolyn J; Hwang, Wei-Ting; Wang, Shiyu et al. (2018) Long-term risk of second malignancies in women after breast conservation therapy for ductal carcinoma in situ or early-stage breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 170:45-53
Chang, Changgee; Kundu, Suprateek; Long, Qi (2018) Scalable Bayesian variable selection for structured high-dimensional data. Biometrics :
Min, Eun Jeong; Safo, Sandra E; Long, Qi (2018) Penalized Co-Inertia Analysis with Applications to -Omics Data. Bioinformatics :
Singh, Rajnish Kumar; Lang, Fengchao; Pei, Yonggang et al. (2018) Metabolic reprogramming of Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus infected B-cells in hypoxia. PLoS Pathog 14:e1007062
Pei, Yonggang; Singh, Rajnish Kumar; Shukla, Sanket Kumar et al. (2018) Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 3C Facilitates Cell Proliferation by Regulating Cyclin D2. J Virol 92:
Nicastri, Michael C; Rebecca, Vito W; Amaravadi, Ravi K et al. (2018) Dimeric quinacrines as chemical tools to identify PPT1, a new regulator of autophagy in cancer cells. Mol Cell Oncol 5:e1395504
Micallef, Ivana N; Stiff, Patrick J; Nademanee, Auayporn P et al. (2018) Plerixafor Plus Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor for Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma: Long-Term Follow-Up Report. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 24:1187-1195

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