The Biostatistics Core provides statistical expertise in study design, data analysis, and interpretation of the results of analysis of cancer research data. Core biostatisticians collaborate with Cancer Center investigators in framing testable questions, devising experimental plans that make efficient use of experimental materials, patient populations and community participants, and ensuring that there is sufficient statistical power to answer the research questions. They are responsible for ensuring that due consideration is given to issues Iof unbiased and efficient sample selection, accuracy and precision of measurements, unbiased assessment of outcomes, completeness and adequacy of follow-up and other aspects of research study implementation. Core biostatisticians collaborate with investigators in each of the Cancer Center Programs on research, publications and grant proposals for external funding. They support the Clinical Trials Office as active, Imembers of the Cancer Center Protocol Review Committee, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee and as Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee. A core biostatistician serves on the Internal Advisory Committee of the Bioinformatics Core. This Core has a significant role ensuring scientific rigor of cancer research at the Karmanos Cancer Institute.
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