Flow cytometers and cell sorting instruments are required for many studies conducted by the investigators of the UCSD Cancer Center. However, the costs of purchasing, serving, and operating such complex instrument are beyond the capacity of most individual investigators. For this reason, a core resource in flow cytometry is essential. The speed at which these automated instruments can examine or separate free floating cell populations for several parameters simultaneously, and chart the results, has provided a powerful means for collecting data on cell populations of statistically reliable size. The magnetic sorting technology opens more opportunities for sorting living cells that are present as minor subpopulations, allowing for either studying them in isolation or after modification and re-infusion back into animal hosts. Without access to well-maintained and serviced instruments of this type and expert assistance in their use and interpretation of the results, may experiments that can provide valuable information would not be possible. Investigators who do not have such access to such facilities for appropriate work are handicapped in their opportunities to publish in reputable journals and in competitive grant applications. Together with the other shared resources which have been created at this Center, namely Molecular Pathology, Digital Imaging, and Histology, the resource participates in composing an exceptionally versatile analytical combination of services. The goal of this Resource is to expand the distinguished and reliable services it has given to the Translational Oncology and Molecular Virology Programs to accommodate the needs of the Cancer Genetics, Cancer Biology, Cancer Pharmacology, and Translational Oncology Programs.
Specific aims are to encourage and facilitate collaborations between Center members and to coordinate the work of the Resource with that of other Center resources wherever possible, to achieve enhancement of the research conducted by Members.
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