The Scientific Synergy Core (Core A) is the intellectual fulcrum of this research core center. It represents alow-cost high impact core which will dramatically strengthen auditory and vestibular sciences at theUniversity of Michigan and in the research community in the Michigan - Ohio region. Specifically, the corewill promote scientific information exchange and scholarly discussions through regular contacts, furthertechnology transfer to enhance research, aid principal investigators in the training of students, fellows andstaff, and encourage new and increased collaboration through the formation of special interest groups.Within the P30 research cores the regular contacts between the principal investigators and key personnel ofthe cores will remain the customary avenue of communication. Going beyond these interactions, however, allstudents, fellows, and laboratory staff are included in the meetings of the interest groups of Core A and thethree annual meetings that we are proposing. Despite its ambitions of creating a multi-institutional synergycore, Core A does not add significantly to the P30 budget because of the proximity of all participatinglaboratories, which eliminates the necessity for any overnight stays and associated costs for meetings,discussions, or service training.While the rules of the P30 restricts its use to programs with appropriate grant support, we feel that theintellectual environment created by Core A must not be limited to those with currently funded grants. Core Awill serve the spirit of the P30 and the mission of the NIDCD by including young investigators trying toestablish themselves and research groups between funding. In fact, we argue that the inclusion of thesescientists may become one of the most important aspects of this core in strengthening and promotingNIDCD-mission research. The intellectual interactions will build mentoring relationships, encouragecollaborations, and through discussion, enhance the quality of of our research, our grant applications and ourpublications.
These aims will aid the growth of young groups and make established ones more competitive intheir attempts to obtain grant funding.
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