The overall goals of the Disordered Eating Behavior Core are to provide assistance to participating MNOCinvestigators in the assessment of disordered eating and other psychopathology, and the development ofinterventions for such disordered eating. These services are applicable both to the study of obesity and to thestudy of 'classic' forms of disordered eating including clinically diagnosable eating disorders. Servicesprovided through this Core are organized in the following sections:1. Clinical Assessment: The Core provides consultation regarding assessment of disordered eating andother behaviors; training and ongoing quality improvement/quality assurance for trained assessors; andthe conduct of structured assessments.2. Treatment Development: The Core provides consultation to investigators regarding the development ofmanual-based treatments for obesity and disordered eating, and is actively engaged in suchdevelopment efforts. In addition, the Core provides certain structured therapeutic interventions (suchas Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for ongoing projects.3. Access to Clinical Populations: The Core provides access to populations of potential subjects witheating disorders diagnoses; subjects with other psychopathology; non-affected comparison groups;obese samples; and archival data sets.4. Technology-Based Methods of Data Accumulation: The Core provides access to several emergingtechnologies for the highly accurate on cost-effective accumulation of research data, such asecological momentary assessment, and data scanning/online data entry.5. Cost Effectiveness Analysis: The Core provides consultation regarding the collection of costeffectiveness data in clinical trials. Services provided by this Core are highly labor-intensive, requiringindividuals with advanced training plus expensive, specialized experience in behavioral assessments,treatments or both. It would be impractical, expensive and often impossible for investigators to recreatethis capacity in their own group.
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