The Center for Neural Science at New York University is a premier site for research on functional aspects of vision. Eighteen investigators from the Center request support for their vision research through continuation of a Core Grant. They are bound together by their research Interests In the neural and behavioral bases of vision and visually guided behavior. The proposed Core will comprise of four modules, each of which will benefit research in the research areas represented by program faculty: 1. A Visual Displays Module which will provide support for the development of state-of-the-art software for the generation of a wide variety of visual stimuli for psychophysical, neurophysiological, and brain experiments. 2. A Design and Fabrication Module which will provide expertise to design and build novel electronic and mechanical devices such as theose required for multielectrode recording in the visual cortex, noninvasive methods of eye movement recording, and Interface devices for behavioral and blloglcal experiments. 3. A Neuroanatomy and Molecular Biology Module which will provide expert support for the processing of neuroanatomlcal material at both the light and EM level, for the analysis and localization of electrophysiological recording sites In histological material, and for the creation of transgene-containing viruses to modify neuronal funtlon experimentally. 4. A Functional Imaging Module which will provide support for hardware and software services for users of the Siemens MRI scanner and associated devices In the Center for Brain Imaging, giving access for Core researchers to functional and structural Imaging capabilities for human and animal research.
NEI-funded researchers at NYU study the brain mechanisms of vision, and their work will lead to greater understanding of the basis of seeing In healthy and diseased Individuals. The Core grant will provide foundational support for their work.
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