Studies from our laboratory have shown that phosphorylation of H1 histone increases across the cell cycle and is elevated twenty fold during G2 just prior to mitosis. Postmitotic G1 cells exhibit a rapid dephosphorylation. Based on these studies it has been postulated that phosphorylation of H1 histone is directly involved in hypercondensation of chromatin during the mitotic cell cycle. Currently we are assessing DNA, RNA and protein context, as well as BrdU incorporation to analyze cells and/or nuclei from cultures of synchronous and asynchronous cultures of human skin fibroblasts. Nuclei will be sorted for subsequent analysis of nucleoprotein content and composition. Correlation will be made of nucleoprotein phosphorylation profiles, cell cycle position and metabolic capacity of cells. The general protein kinase inhibitor, staurosporine, a drug we have shown at low levels arrests normal cells, but not transformed cells, in G1 phase, will be employed in these studies.
Frumkin, Jesse P; Patra, Biranchi N; Sevold, Anthony et al. (2016) The interplay between chromosome stability and cell cycle control explored through gene-gene interaction and computational simulation. Nucleic Acids Res 44:8073-85 |
Johnson, Leah M; Gao, Lu; Shields IV, C Wyatt et al. (2013) Elastomeric microparticles for acoustic mediated bioseparations. J Nanobiotechnology 11:22 |
Micheva-Viteva, Sofiya N; Shou, Yulin; Nowak-Lovato, Kristy L et al. (2013) c-KIT signaling is targeted by pathogenic Yersinia to suppress the host immune response. BMC Microbiol 13:249 |
Ai, Ye; Sanders, Claire K; Marrone, Babetta L (2013) Separation of Escherichia coli bacteria from peripheral blood mononuclear cells using standing surface acoustic waves. Anal Chem 85:9126-34 |
Sanders, Claire K; Mourant, Judith R (2013) Advantages of full spectrum flow cytometry. J Biomed Opt 18:037004 |
Cushing, Kevin W; Piyasena, Menake E; Carroll, Nick J et al. (2013) Elastomeric negative acoustic contrast particles for affinity capture assays. Anal Chem 85:2208-15 |
Chaudhary, Anu; Ganguly, Kumkum; Cabantous, Stephanie et al. (2012) The Brucella TIR-like protein TcpB interacts with the death domain of MyD88. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 417:299-304 |
Marina, Oana C; Sanders, Claire K; Mourant, Judith R (2012) Correlating light scattering with internal cellular structures. Biomed Opt Express 3:296-312 |
Houston, Jessica P; Naivar, Mark A; Jenkins, Patrick et al. (2012) Capture of Fluorescence Decay Times by Flow Cytometry. Curr Protoc Cytom 59:1.25.1-1.25.21 |
Marina, Oana C; Sanders, Claire K; Mourant, Judith R (2012) Effects of acetic acid on light scattering from cells. J Biomed Opt 17:085002-1 |
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