EXCEED THE SPACEPROVIDED.This application seeks support for a center of excellence in proteomics and glycomics and a regional,national and international resource in this broad scientific area. The Proteomics Research and DevelopmentFacility at Indiana University has been currently supported by a small fraction of a grant from LillyEndowment to Indiana University (Indiana Genomics Initiative). Major equipment and scientific infrastructurehave been supported locally for (a) instrumental developments in proteomic analysis and (b) collaborationswith the local biomedical community. This application seeks support for continuation of the most currentresearch activities and enlargement of these activities to national and international collaborative efforts. ThePI and his colleagues propose new instrumentation and methodologies for proteomics and glycomics inseveral areas (miniaturized separation techniques and their coupling to mass spectrometry; microfabricateddevices for proteomics and glycomics; hyphenation of powerful mass separation technologies;bioinformatics) and request funding for building a new Fourier-transform ICR mass spectrometer. In the newproposed technologies, effective coupling of separation tools and mass spectrometry is emphasized togenerate a total, optimized analytical system for high-sensitivity glycoprotein investigations. Two-waycollaborative efforts involving biomedical scientists from various institutions include a range of topics:fundamental and clinically oriented cancer research; studies in endocrinology and metabolism; proteomicsand glycobiology of alcoholism; studies of posttranslationally modified proteins in bacteria, yeast, plants andfruit flies. While a number of collaborations have already been established at Indiana University, two U.S.universities and two foreign research institutions (in Czech Republic and Sweden) will also participate in theexchange of scholars, biomedically interesting samples and scientific knowledge. Whereas the collaboratorswill be supported by their own grants, travel funds are requested for international collaborative activities.During the existence of this grant, the mechanism for proteomic/glycomic service activity will be developed(not supported by requested funds). Educational activities in the area of proteomics/glycomics will also bedeveloped, including the development of short courses, a seminar program and concerted education ofstudents and postdoctoral scientists.
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