The Shared Core provides centralized services needed by investigators in the Charleston Alcohol ResearchCenter (ARC). Since its inception, the Shared Core has been a valuable part of the ARC, achieving each ofits goals. Over the years, the system has been refined to better meet the needs of a dynamic researchenvironment.The Shared Core contains the Office of Statistics and Database Management, an expert statisticalconsulting service. It also houses the Centralized Intake Office, a centralized screening and recruitmentservice. The Shared Core contracts with specialized medical and pharmacy services, which are needed forclinical trials, and provides standardized training for both basic science and clinical research assistants.By centralizing these services, several important benefits are realized. First, the Shared Core providesneeded expertise in specialized areas. Second, it affords a more efficient and standardized researchenvironment, as it prevents the duplication of effort by individual research groups. Third, the Shared Coreprovides time- and cost-savings for all research studies that utilize the services. Additionally, it overseescontracts with specialty services and advertising that allow each project to receive goods/services at afraction of the normal purchase price. Finally, the Shared Core system provides a central authority forquality control over provision and utilization of services and ensures that its services meet the needs of themost number of studies. It provides at least two services to each component and pilot project in the ARC,and provides support to other NIAAA-funded studies as well.The Shared Core is a consistent and valued part of the Charleston Alcohol Research Center, providingARC investigators and other alcohol researchers the support they need to conduct their research efficientlyand to meet their research goals.
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